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White Paper

Technical White Papers

Evolution of Wireless

Enterprise networks using IEEE 802.11ac technology are better prepared for more wireless devices, more access points, and faster speeds in the workplace, but users won't see the true benefits of the new standard without the right cabling infrastructure in place to support it.

This white paper covers:

  • The benefits of 802.11ac over 802.11n and previous standards
  • Cabling guidelines from TIA and Leviton
  • How to prepare backbone infrastructure for 802.11ac and next-gen wireless standards to come


8 pages | File Type: Adobe PDF | Size: 850 KB


Enterprise networks using IEEE 802.11ac technology are better prepared for more wireless devices, more access points, and faster speeds in the workplace, but users won’t see the true benefits of the new standard without the right cabling infrastructure in place to support it.

Wireless networks are now ubiquitous in the workplace, and a growing number of companies are adopting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. These policies aren’t just covering smartphones: A Forrester Survey of 35,000 IT managers found an increasing number of BYOD tablets and PCs gaining acceptance. The vast majority of these devices will rely on wireless networks.

More devices in the workplace can quickly tax a wireless network. But with the help of recent standards from IEEE and TIA, along with important backbone upgrades to a high-performance Category 6A cabling infrastructure, wireless access points will be able to handle more traffic and deliver data faster now and in the future.