Input Merger, DMX Signal Management 8
DMX Signal Management 8 Input Merger (8 In, 1 Out)
A DMX merger is used when multiple control inputs must communicate to the same device. A DMX merger helps to completely rid a system of complex, error-prone, multi-location DMX input wiring schemes. This merger combines all (8) inputs, using a highest level takes precedence (HTP) philosophy into a single 512 channel DMX output. All inputs are optically isolated from each other to ensure the protection of sensitive equipment. For further extension of the DMX signal, the merger can be combined with Leviton's DMXSM-H18 DMX splitter for an (8) input / (8) output DMX powerhouse.Product Information
Product Features
Product Category : Networking
Product Line : DMXSM
Product Type : DMX Input Merger
- 8 Inputs
- 1 Output
- Inputs merge in highest level takes precedence (HTP) mode
- 100% Optically isolated inputs
- Inputs rated to withstand max +48Vdc
- DMX-512A Compliant
- Built-in Power Switch
- 2-part terminals at rear, series wired, for permanent install
- Traditional Circuit Breakers
- Smart Circuit Breakers
- Outdoor Meter Main
- Indoor Load Centers
- Outdoor All-in-One
- Main Circuit Breakers
- Covers & Doors
- Traditional Circuit Breakers
- Surge Protective
- Accessories
- Canadian Load Centers
- single family residences
- Multi-Dwelling Units (MDU)
- Utility Products for Residential