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HDX Fiber Adapter Plate, OM3 & OM4, Quad LC shuttered (aqua), 12 fibers, Zirconia Ceramic Sleeve


Leviton HDX Fiber Adapter Plates are used in conjunction with OPT-X® UHDX Enclosures, OPT-X UHDX Enclosures, or the HDX Fiber Distribution Frame to provide a means to connect backbone-tobackbone or backbone-to-horizontal fiber cabling. The fiber adapter plates are offered in LC, SC, and MTP® versions.

UPC Code: 078477463277
Country of Origin : United States

Product Information

  • Adapter plates offered in LC, SC, MTP, and blank styles
  • Offered in OM1, OM2, OM3/4, and OS2 fiber types
  • Easy one-hand installation and removal
  • Includes retaining flanges for routing and protection of fibers
  • Internal patented shutters on LC adapters eliminate the need for dust plugs to reduce waste, speed deployment and ensure safer in situation
  • Shuttered LC adapter door will illuminate when a VFL is used for fiber traceability
  • Shuttered LC adapter is IP5x rated for limited protection against dust ingress 

  • US10502903

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Opt-X HDX Fiber Adapter Plates

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