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White Paper

Technical White Papers

Honing the Edge: Understanding Edge Data Center Applications

More and more, technologies require near instant feedback from the network. Whether it is smart building technology, IoT sensors, or autonomous vehicles, data transfer latency needs to be shorter. However, extremely low latency simply can’t be accomplished without bringing the data center’s computing power closer to the connected device’s location — to the edge of the network.

Utilizing the edge is about compute-enabled, low latency, highly secure networks running modern software applications. Companies in every industry can leverage edge data center technologies, but only if they have a clear understanding of how these data centers will be applied and the workloads to support. Edge data centers are not universal in their design, as cabling infrastructure is determined by the application.

This paper covers:

●     Why companies are considering edge computing

●     The challenges of the cabling infrastructure at the edge

The considerations to make this highly versatile technology successful in a rapidly evolving future.


8 pages | File Type: Adobe PDF | Size: 2.2 MB