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Our Promise

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At Leviton, commitment means never accepting the status quo. It means listening closely to the people who use our products, whether they’re on the phone, online or on the job. It means supporting communities, giving back and caring about people in need. And it means working to make it happen for our customers by being the most reliable, dependable partner across a world of applications.

As a foundational value of our family-run business that predates the electrical industry, commitment is deeply engrained into the way we think and work.


Ingenuity is more than just creating new ideas and products. Ingenuity also requires thinking strategically about what our customers tell us to discover real solutions to their real problems, so that every new product we design helps our customers move forward with a higher standard of safety and performance.

From the invention of a new category of devices to a product improvement that outperforms our competition, we are proud to hold nearly 1,000 worldwide patents because of the feedback of our customers and the ingenuity of everyone at Leviton.


The well-being of our customers is always at the forefront of our thinking. Our efforts range from advancing child tamper-resistance to improving nighttime visibility with high-tech LED guide lights. We invented the Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter receptacle, which helps prevent fires where electricity is the cause of ignition, and we are proud to be the world's leading maker of GFCIs

We continuously strive to educate and promote good practices at both the consumer and trade levels. In everything we do, we're determined to make life safer for our families and communities throughout the world.


When your products routinely provide a long, useful service life, it's a sure sign of the quality that goes into all the things you make. Product quality and performance have made us the #1 brand of electrical devices preferred by builders, year in and year out. In fact, we manufacture virtually all the products we sell. That's why we co-locate an Underwriter's Laboratory testing center in each major manufacturing facility.

And because the Leviton family name is on every product, we design products not only to meet UL standards, but to exceed them. Producing products to a higher standard means fewer callbacks for contractors and greater satisfaction among end-users.